Browse Books Listed by Author's Name NoAuthor A Ba-Bn Bo-Bz C D E F Film G Ha Hb-Hz King IJK London L M NO P Photo QR Steinbeck Steinbeckiana Stegner S T UV WXYZ Browse Armed Services Editions Books Listed by Issue Numbers ABCD EFG HIJ K L M N O P Q R ST 655-699 700-799 800-899 900-999 1000-1322 | | [Armed Services Editions] Buckley, Christopher. Wry Martinis. Washington, D. C., The Legacy Project, 2003, first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. This is the fifth book in a new series of Armed Services Editions made possible through the all-volunteer efforts of The Legacy Project headed by Andrew P. Carroll which works to preserve American war correspondence, the original ASEs were issued by the Council in Books in Wartime between 1943 and 1947 for American soldiers here and abroad, condensed from the original edition, this book is done in the same manner as the original ASEs. Fine, unread. JD31711 | ![]( $10.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Manning, Molly Guptill and Anderson, Brian. The Best-Read Army in the World. NY, The Grolier Club, 2020, first edition, wrappers. Softcover. This book was produced as part of an exhibition at The Grolier Club about Armed Services Editions (ASEs) that was supposed to be run from May 13 through August 1, 2020, unfortunately the Covid-19 virus changed all that, fortunately we still have this book produced by Manning who wrote When Books Went to War and Anderson, a major collector of ASEs, she provides an overview while he concentrates on the books in the series, photo-illustrated, informative and an excellent reference. Fine. JD35374 | ![]( $30.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Hungerford, Mark C. The Quiet Bower. Vashon, The Quiet Bower, 2003, first edition, wrappers. Softcover. Published in the manner of the Armed Services Editions (books issued to American GIs during World War II), a novel, this is a complimentary copy, with slip, inscribed by Hungerford to this bookseller in 2017, laid in loosely is a one-page fact sheet about the book with a note to this bookseller at the bottom from Hungerford, published at $15. Fine. JD36992 | ![]( $25.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Wharton, Edith. Ethan Frome. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. B-34, just the 34th title issued in this important series, lengthy quotes on the rear cover about the book by Bernard De Voto praises the novel and Wharton, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI. Owner's stamp, rear corner chip, else very good. JD36270 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Benchley, Robert. Benchley Beside Himself. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. B-39 in this important series, first issue, later reprinted within the series as ASE No. T-13, humor, illustrated, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI. Soiling, else very good. JD36269 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Burt, Struthers. Powder River Let 'er Buck. NY, Armed Srvices Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. B-53 in this important series, a Rivers of America book, with map of northeastern Wyoming showing the Powder River and its tributaries, with a note about the author at the end, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, scarce. Tape reinforcement to top and bottom of spine, else very good. JD35699 | ![]( $40.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Adamic, Louis. The Native's Return. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. B-54 in this important series, an autobiography described as "an American immigrant visits Yugoslavia and discovers his old country," with a note about the author at the end, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI. Spine a bit dulled and some soiling, else very good. JD33961 | ![]( $35.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Herring, Hubert. Good Neighbors. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. B-57, just the 57th title issued in this important series, Herring writes about Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and 17 other countries in South America, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI. Very good plus. JD33964 | ![]( $50.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Freuchen, Peter. Arctic Adventure. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. B-60 in this important series, first issue, reprinted later within this series as ASE No. T-38, "my life in the Frozen North," with a note about the author at the end, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI. Very good. JD36960 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Richter, Conrad. The Sea of Grass. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. C-62 in this important series, a historical novel, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is a scarce D-Day ASE issue. Very good. JD34031 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Robinson, James Harvey. The Mind in the Making. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. C-63 in this important series, a study of how the mind has evolved, subtitled "The relation of intelligence to social reform," issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the scarce and important D-Day Armed Services Editions issues. Top edge nick, else solid very good. JD33471 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Beerbohm, Max. Seven Men. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. C-67 in this important series, short stories, with a note about the author at the end, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the very important and scarce D-Day ASEs. Very good. JD36880 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Bell, Vereen. Swamp Water. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. C-68 in this important series, a novel, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the scarce and important D-Day ASEs, scarce. Very good. JD33940 | ![]( $175.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Tarkington, Booth. Penrod. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. C-70 in this important series, a novel, with a note about the author at the end, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the very scarce and important D-Day ASEs. Very good. JD35453 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Benet, Stephen Vincent. The Short Stories of Stephen Vincent Benet. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition, wrappers. Softcover. No. C-77 in this important series, a paperback original, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the important D-Day Armed Services Editions issues. Very good. JD34046 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Wason, Betty. Miracle In Hellas. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. C-78 in this important series, "the Greeks fight on" in World War II, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the very important and scarce D-Day ASEs. Bit of top of spine corruption, stamp of 41st Special Services Unit headquarters, very good. JD33744 | ![]( $35.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Wason, Betty. Miracle In Hellas. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. C-78 in this important series, "the Greeks fight on" in World War II, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the very important and scarce D-Day ASEs. Very good. JD36954 | ![]( $40.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Hill, Ernestine. Australian Frontier. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. C-80 in this important series, "an ideal introduction to the great continent of Australia," illustrated with a map, foreword and an introduction by Ms. Hill, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the scarce D-Day ASE issues. Very good. JD34049 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Stewart, George. Storm. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. C-81 in this important series, a novel set in California, with a note about the author at the end, reprinted later in the series as ASE No. 1045 in 1946, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the scarce and important D-Day ASEs. Very good. JD34050 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Selby, John. Starbuck. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. C-86 in this important series, a novel, later reprinted within this series as ASE No. 732, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime,designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the scarce and important D-Day ASEs. Spine dulled and ink inscription, else very good. JD36289 | ![]( $40.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Komroff, Manuel. Coronet. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. C-89 in this important series, a historical novel, with a note about the author at the end, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is a very important and scarce D-Day ASE. Large spine chip, else very good. JD35507 | ![]( $20.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Hilton, James. The Story of Dr. Wassell. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-91 in this important series, a novel based on the true story of a Navy doctor from Arkansas, with a note about the author at the end, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the scarce and important D-Day ASEs. Very good plus. JD36302 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Fleming, Berry. Colonel Effingham's Raid. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-95 in this important series, a novel and film source, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the very important and scarce D-Day ASEs. Rusted staples, else very good. JD35580 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Albrand, Martha. Without Orders. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-96 in this important series, a novel, with note about the author at the end, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the important and scarce D-Day Armed Services Editions. Front cover a bit abraded, else very good. JD35466 | ![]( $35.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Richter, Conrad. The Trees. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-98 in this important series, a historical novel of early American life, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, a scarce and important D-Day ASE. Very good plus. JD36299 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Van Doren, Mark. The Night of the Summer Solstice and Other Stories of the Russian War. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-99 in this important series, selected by Van Doren, who also provides a preface, these are actual reports that the Russian people were reading by Konstantin Simonov and six other well-known Russian writers, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is a very scarce and important D-Day ASE. Very good. JD34068 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Hergesheimer, Joseph. Java Head. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-102 in this important series, a novel of Salem, MA, with a note about the author at the end, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the important and scarce D-Day ASE issues. Very good. JD34071 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Hergesheimer, Joseph. Java Head. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-102 in this important series, a novel of Salem, MA, with a note about the author at the end, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the important and scarce D-Day ASE issues. Very good minus. JD36964 | ![]( $35.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Bryan, George S. Mystery Ship. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-103 in this important series, the story of the ship, the Mary Celeste, "in fancy and in fact," with a bibliography at the end, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the important and scarce D-Day ASE issues. Very good minus. JD36309 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Fosdick, Harry Emerson. On Being a Real Person. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-105 in this important series, "it shows how best to deal with fear and anxiety, how to master depression and how to handle one's mischievous conscience," issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the scarce D-Day ASE issues. Spine chip, else very good. JD34074 | ![]( $20.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Partridge, Bellamy. Country Lawyer. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-109 in this important series, a biography of the author's father, with a note about the author at the end, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the very important and scarce D-Day ASE issues. Spine dulled, very good. JD35734 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Shearing, Joseph. Blanche Fury. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-111 in this important series, "the true story of a crime," with a note about the author at the end (who is actually Mrs. Gabrielle Margaret Vere Campbell Long), issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the very scarce D-Day ASE books, this was a POW camp copy, so stamped, these are difficult to find. Very good. JD36314 | ![]( $50.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Douglas, Lloyd C. The Robe. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-118 in this important series, first issue, reprinted later in the series as No. K-27, "the story of a soldier who tossed for Christ's robe and won," condensed for wartime reading, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the important and scarce D-Day ASE issues. Very good. JD36962 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Mason, F. Van Wyck. Rivers of Glory. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-119 in this important series, a historical novel, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the important and scarce D-Day Armed Services Editions issues. Very good plus. JD35521 | ![]( $50.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Marquand, John P. So Little Time. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1944), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. D-120 in this important series, a satirical novel, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this is one of the scarce and important D-Day Armed Services Editions issues. Solid very good. JD35522 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Mencken, H. L. Heathen Days 1890-1936. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. A-13, just the 13th title issued in this important series, the third volume of his memoirs, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI. 41st Special Services Unit headquarters stamp, aged, very good. JD33741 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Brebner, J. B. and Nevins, Allan. The Making of Modern Britain. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. A-17, just the 17th title issued in this important series, a short history, with suggestions for further reading at the end, illustrated with maps, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI. Very good. JD33986 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition, wrappers. Softcover. No. A-26, just the 26th title issued in this important series, a classic novel and source for the Peter O'Toole film, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, a very scarce book. Very good. JD35586 | ![]( $125.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Allen, Hervey. Action at Aquila. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. A-28, just the 28th title issued in this important series, "a romance of the Civil War," with a note about the author at the end, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, scarce, stamp of the official headquarters of the 41st Special Service Unit to title page. Very good. JD35686 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Steinbeck, John. Tortilla Flat. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. A-9, just the ninth title issued in this important series, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, this book wasn't in the Adrian Goldstone collection, cited as Goldstone & Payne A4k via the University of Texas copy (and giving a c.1944 date), with a note about the author at the end, not recorded by Morrow, this is one of the more difficult ASE titles, stamp of the official headquarters of the 41st Special Service Unit to title page. Solid very good. JD35687 | ![]( $150.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Pratt, Theodore. Mr. Winkle Goes to War. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. A-7, just the seventh title issued in this important series, a novel about a middle-aged man who goes to war, film source, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI. Very good plus. JD36255 | ![]( $50.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Forbes, Kathryn. Mama's Bank Account. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. A-4, just the fourth title issued in this important series, the Americanization of a Norwegian family living in San Francisco, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI. Very good plus. JD36257 | ![]( $50.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Vance, Ethel. Reprisal. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. A-29, just the 29th title issued in this important series, a novel "of occupied France," issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, a very scarce book. Cover creases, else very good. JD36273 | ![]( $35.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Nash, Ogden. Good Intentions. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. A-3, just the third title in this important series, humorous verse, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI. Some ink marks to front cover, else solid very good. JD36843 | ![]( $25.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Maisel, Albert Q. Miracles of Military Medicine. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. A-20, just the 20th title issued in this important series, the story of weapons that save lives, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, a very scarce book. Discreet owner's name, very good. JD36844 | ![]( $45.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Sandburg, Carl. Storm Over the Land. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. A-27, just the 27th title issued in this important series, "a profile of the Civil War, taken mainly from his Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, preface by Sandburg, illustrated with maps, issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI, a very scarce book. Very good. JD36961 | ![]( $50.00 |
[Armed Services Editions] Carse, Robert. There Go The Ships. NY, Armed Services Editions, n.d. (1943), first edition thus, wrappers. Softcover. No. A-5, just the fifth book in this important series, "the story of a convoy to Murmansk," issued by the Council on Books in Wartime, designed to fit the pocket of a World War II American GI. Very good plus. JD36963 | ![]( $50.00 | CONDITIONS OF SALE - Media rate postage is $4 for the first item and $1 each thereafter.
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Browse Books Listed by Author's Name NoAuthor A Ba-Bn Bo-Bz C D E F Film G Ha Hb-Hz King IJK London L M NO P Photo QR Steinbeck Steinbeckiana Stegner S T UV WXYZ Browse Armed Services Editions Books Listed by Issue Numbers ABCD EFG HIJ K L M N O P Q R ST 655-699 700-799 800-899 900-999 1000-1322 | |