Browse Books and more James M. Dourgarian, Bookman New address/phone 2341 Hickory Drive Concord, CA 94520 925-349-4400 Established1980 - Member ABAA HOME How to Order Click on the shopping basket by a item to create an email for us to contact you about ordering that item. You may also call 1 (925) 349-4400 to talk to Jim and place a phone order with Visa, Mastercard, or Discover. You may also arrange to pay by check. Click on the link below to email a general inquiry. General Inquiry Bookman WordPress Blog New Arrivals -Recent Books Aquired Memories of Wallace Stegner James M.Dourgarian, Bookman, was established in 1980. We are members of the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America (ABAA). Like all ABAA members, we answer to a higher authority and follow a higher standard of ethics that guarantees a successful transaction for all our customers. We buy and sell old books, vintage books, collectible books, rare books, first edition books, and related ephemera. We maintain several specialties. Among them are American fiction first editions from c.1900 to the present. Within that general field, we have heavy emphasis in John Steinbeck and Steinbeckiana. Thus, we buy and sell Steinbeck primary first editions in dust jackets, signed/limited editions, his appearances in anthologies, his periodical appearances, books and periodicals about Steinbeck, film and theatre memorabilia, bibliographies, and miscellaneous items. We also specialize in these same categories for these authors -- Jack London, Wallace Stegner, and Stephen King. Other specialties include Western Americana, books on California and the West, Photography books, books on Japan, China, and the Orient, and Armed Services Editions. The latter are vintage paperbacks issued to American GIs from 1943 to 1947. They are comprised of mysteries, Westerns, science fiction and fantasy, mainstream fiction, historical novels, science, poetry, adventure stories, and more. Within our field of modern first editions, we also sell related film memorabilia Thus, we sell film posters, lobby card sets, pressbooks, stills, scripts, etc. for films made from the works of authors we carry such as John Steinbeck, Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Raymond Chandler, Zane Grey, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Stephen King, Edward Abbey, Anne Rice, and many others. | |
| [Modern Literature] Werfel, Franz. The Forty Days of Musa Dagh. NY, Viking, 1934, first edition. Although the first preliminary indicates this is one of 750 specially bound (advance) copies, it is actually one of only 32 copies specially bound for the staff of The Viking Press, noted by a tipped in insert, this novel tells the story of a group of Armenians who resisted their slaughter by the Turks on a mountain called Musa Dagh, Moses's Mountain, this systematic slaughter, the first holocaust of the 20th Century, was perpetrated by the Turkish government which ordered the killings and mass, forced deportations, 1.5 million of the 3 million Armenians living in Turkey were killed on these orders of the Turkish government in 1915, this is the only "staff" copies seen by this bookseller in his 39 years of professional bookselling, issued without a dust jacket according to a postcard from the bookseller from whom this copy was purchased. Very good. JD 33876 | $750.00 | CONDITIONS OF SALE - Media rate postage is $4 for the first item and $1 each thereafter.
- Books shipped to a location within California are subject to 8.25% sales tax.shipping.
- We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.
- Call 1 (925) 349-4400 to talk to Jim and place an order with Visa, Mastercard or Discover.
- You may also arrange to pay by check.
Browse Books Listed by Author's Name NoAuthor A Ba-Bn Bo-Bz C D E F Film G Ha Hb-Hz King IJK London L M NO P Photo QR Steinbeck Steinbeckiana Stegner S T UV WXYZ Browse Armed Services Editions Books Listed by Issue Numbers ABCD EFG HIJ K L M N O P Q R ST 655-699 700-799 800-899 900-999 1000-1322
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